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Sunday, November 14, 2010
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Saturday, November 13, 2010
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Friday, November 12, 2010
Cheapest Bento Buddies 2.0 Set of 4 Lidded Containers, Berry
I love the fact that these containers make me stop and think about what I put in his lunchbox. I always put a fruit in one, a veggie in one, a dip or almonds in the smallest one, a sandwich in one, and then a snack in the last one (this is why I purchased TWO sets of the containers).
They are dishwasher safe and do NOT leak while in the lunchbox since all 4 containers come withe LIDS. I think you will be very happy with these containers :)
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
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What's For Lunch? Packing a Kid (And an Environmentally) Friendly Lunch
Packing your child's lunch just got more complicated. The question of "what's for lunch?" has now been expanded to "what's your lunch packaging", as parents are faced with product safety issues, new school waste mandates and reducing their family's environmental footprint.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation estimates that one student taking a disposable lunch to school each day will create 45 to 90 pounds of garbage per year.
In an effort to teach children about the environmental impact of their food and beverage choices, and focus on reducing, recycling, and reusing to avoid waste, many schools are committed to reducing waste on campus. One method is to encourage parents to pack a "waste-free" lunch. This means everything in your child's lunchbox is reusable or consumable. Schools such as Marin Primary School in Marin, California, are not only recycling and composting, but they have done away with plastic utensils, cups, and plates by washing reusable plates that the children have made themselves.
Local children's cloth napkin company, Fabkins, is working with schools to provide children's size napkins for fundraisers, classroom party baskets, and lunchrooms throughout the country. While Kids Konserve offers stainless steel food containers, sandwich wraps and safe party ware for kids' lunches and celebrations.
The number of children's product recalls due to lead paint, poor plastics, and PVC have increased dramatically. Luckily there is a big "green" market to fill the void of safe products, when it comes to lunchboxes and food Storage. There are many fun and colorful lead-free, old-fashioned metal lunchboxes as well as soft PVC- and lead-free lunch totes that children can choose from. Allowing your child to choose is important so your child is proud of his lunchbox and excited to see and eat what's inside.
To deal with portion control and eliminate the waste of plastic bags, sandwich wrap, and waxed paper is with a lunchbox system. These are composed of a set of safe plastic boxes arranged in a larger box, like that of a traditional Japanese bento box. These boxes are easy for parents to pack and determine an appropriate size portion for your child. It is also easy for children to pack and clean up, as the pieces fit snugly together as a puzzle. Preschool teacher Joanne Haight advises parents to pack foods for school in containers that keep food fresh and safe but are also child friendly to open. She says especially for preschool age children, that self help is just as important as what they are eating.
These green on-the-go tips work for all ages and venues, whether they're headed to school, daycare, or a family outing.
Keep perishables cold in insulated lunch bags. There are many PVC- and lead-free choices. Rather than using an ice pack you can freeze items such as yogurt or water, which will thaw and be ready by mealtime.
Pack food, drink and soups in reusable, non-plastic containers and thermos bottles. Containers made from stainless steel and aluminum reduces waste and concern of leaching of toxins such as Bisphenol A, which is linked to birth defects, miscarriage, and prostate cancer.
Wrap sandwiches in reusable sandwich wraps, such as by Wrap-n-Mat. Opt for foil over plastic wrap and baggies. Unlike waxed paper and plastic wrap, aluminum foil is available in 100 percent recycled form, is recyclable in most areas, withstands heat and cold, and works better than plastic and waxed paper at keeping moisture in. Aluminum is also oil free and is not made from petroleum, the way that wax and plastic are. Reduce landfill waste by eliminating plastic bag use, as they can last up to 1,000 years.
Provide metal or ceramic utensils that can be reused and washed. Just remind your child to bring them home. Or provide bamboo renewable and biodegradable forks and spoons, rather than plastic.
Include a Reusable Cloth Napkin. Whether it's a regular size, cocktail or child cloth napkin these absorb well and help reduce paper waste.
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Buying Picnic Plus Savoy Insulated Lunch Tote, Raspberry Stripe
(I bought the Built brand lunch tote on a previous order Built LB31-FVE Gourmet Getaway Lunch Tote, French Bull Vine Pattern and found that it does not keep my lunch as cold for as long as this tote does. I like the Savoy.)
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Monday, November 8, 2010
Buy Crocodile Creek's Solar System Lunchbox
It is lead/PVC/pthalate & BPA free so feel good letting your kids use this :)
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Sunday, November 7, 2010
Order Laptop Lunch B630 Bento System 2.0, Passion Pink
There was not one thing that we didn't like in a big way.... it was a bunch of little things.
It's quite large (the carrying tote)
The main clasp on the outer plastic container (not the tote) is hard to open and yet also didn't give me any confidence that over time, it would stay closed.
Two of the small inside containers do not come with lids (it does show this in the photo - I guess I assumed they would come with lids) which seems odd.
The small ones with lids are a bit of a challenge to get open for little hands.
I'm sure it is a system that might work for others but for us, it just wasn't what we hoped it would be.
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Friday, November 5, 2010
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Thursday, November 4, 2010
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Zojirushi SL-JAE14 Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar Top Quality
So far I've been very happy with the Mr. Bento container. It's easy to carry -- it fits right into my backpack, which my lunchbox and many plastic containers were a bit too wide for. I can also easily carry it in hand if I am walking from the train to work -- it is not uncomfortably heavy. It holds enough food for a big lunch and a snack. I've packed soup several times, as well as foods with some liquid (like fruit cobbler -- yum!) in the smaller side containers, and everything stays clean and inside the container. A bagel even fits whole into the main container and makes a great side with soup.
I tried the insulating properties the first day that I used it and wasn't incredibly impressed. My soup was still quite warm but not hot and other containers were not that warm. However, it's possible that I just did not prepare the jar or the food properly. Since I am pressed for time in the morning, but not at lunchtime, and I have access to a microwave, I usually just heat my food at work, and haven't tried the insulation since then. I don't microwave food in the bowls, although it says you can if you leave the lids off, because I have had bad luck in the past with various plastic containers getting a little "cooked" (crisp and bubbly) in the microwave, so I just don't heat stuff in plastic anymore. We have plenty of bowls at work, luckily.
An unforeseen benefit is that I am getting excited about packing my lunches again. When I started out making my lunch I put more work into it, but I got bored after a while and started just grabbing some leftovers and maybe some fruit for work, or just a sandwich and fruit. Now I am willing to get up a little earlier and cut up fruit or veggies and prepare something for the side, so I get more variety, which also means I am more satisfied and better nourished. I love to unpack my lunch and look at all my food before I settle down to eat. I am excited about learning to do some true bento-style lunches in the future too, and maybe even using it for breakfast on the go!
I highly recommend this lunchbox for anyone who's serious about bringing lunch to work or school, and especially anyone who already does, but wants to make lunch fun again. I would have given it five stars except for three things:
- The soup container is too small and there is no other option for something that's mostly liquid. I sometimes like a lot of soup at lunchtime and I can't do that with this box.
- The temperature maintenance did not impress me right away.
- The containers are not dishwasher safe. This doesn't matter to me since I don't have a dishwasher, but it is a big deal for a lot of people.
[Update 11/20/06] - The metallic finish on the outside of the jar is "painted" and can be scratched. This just happened to me recently and I wish they had just left it plain; I am worried now that all the paint will peel off. But this is purely cosmetic.
[Update 12/20/07] - No more scratches have appeared un the finish, and I am still using and loving my Mr. Bento nearly every day. However, I have gotten a bit bored of making lunch again!
But overall, it is a quality product and excellent way to bring satisfying lunches with you when you travel. I am still loving it and using it nearly every day more than a month after the original review date. Friends I have given it to as a gift have also raved about it!
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Where To Buy Laptop Lunch Bento Set 2.0
Only thing...I would suggest also buying some extra bento buddies (which are different sized inserts) so you can keep your packing options open. The extra lids may come in handy as well, as this one only comes with 3 lids.
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Monday, November 1, 2010
Price Stanley Classic Lunchbox Cooler and Bottle Combo
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Saturday, October 30, 2010
Save Zojirushi Classic Bento Vacuum Lunch Jar
Now here's what's WRONG with it:
1. The lid is NOT insulated as one might expect. This means that your top container of food gets colder (or warmer) much, much faster than the rest
2. No clip, clamp, slot or other place to keep your spork should you decide to forgo the canvas case.
3. The clips that hold the lid on feel flimsy, though as stated in other reviews, they have yet to break so I suppose I might be picky here.
What's great about it?
1. The portion sizes are fantastic for me. I'm on a diet that encourages many small meals and these containers are a great size.
2. the overall build quality seems good
3. The concept is extremely good and does translate well into practice.
4. I've likely saved $200 in the month I've been carrying this sucker to work (still taking into account the price of the food I've been packing in it and the price of the box itself)
Good stuff!
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Friday, October 29, 2010
Shop For Vivo Multicolored Square Bento Box
I found it fit perfectly in my old Maxcold lunch box, which is 9.5 inches tall and 8.5 inches long. This is ideal for insulating the bento. I can fit a small, slim ice pack in the bag after I place the bento. I also sometimes put one small pack in the middle container of the bento and place it in the lunch box for insulation.
Oddly enough, immediately after I ordered this, Amazon put a note saying it was no longer available due to misinformation. I am not sure what that means--the product seems to be exactly what was written. It is just hard to envision it as a lunch box since the tiffin concept is "foreign" to us in America. That is not the product's fault.
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
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Monday, October 25, 2010
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Sunday, October 24, 2010
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Saturday, October 23, 2010
Shop For Laptop Lunch Bento Set 2.0 with Black Outer Container, 5-Inner Blue Containers, Utensils and User's Guide
I ordered this one in black and dislike the giant "Laptop Lunch" logo plastered across the top of the outside container box, which is new. It looks like shwag from a tradeshow and cheapens the whole kit. I'm going to find a waterproof sticker to put over it. The inside boxes now all have corny, to my mind, vegetable graphics on them too. Not a big deal, but I have enjoyed packing my sons lunches in these containers and prefer to let the food itself do the talking.
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Friday, October 22, 2010
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010
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