Sunday, June 27, 2010

10 Simple Tips For a More Organized Morning

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Wake up in the morning at 7am. You find that your kids are still sleeping. The school bus is going to be here in 15 minutes! You start yelling and shouting for them to wake up and a chaotic mayhem occurs right then as you hurried around making sure everything is ok. Did junior bring his book? Have I given junior his pocket money? After 15 minutes of frenzied activity, junior is on the school bus to school and you collapsed on the sofa, tired and wondering if there is a better way. Sounds familiar? What you need is a organized way to start a morning and yes there is a better way if you use these tips effectively.

1. Buy an alarm clock and teach junior to use it. This sure beats yelling every morning waking up your neighbors too.

2. Tidy up the closet such that school wear is easily accessible on the outside. This way, one do not need to dig through the entire closet to find the wanted clothes.

3. Prepare clothes and Accessories the night before.

4. Pack lunch boxes or prepare pocket money the night before junior sleeps.

5. Keep quick breakfast items and things that can be eaten on the way(eg biscuits) near at all times

6. Organize your car keys, umbrellas and other items at one place to avoid search the whole house for the elusive car keys which reduces the amount of chaos.

7. Put our coins for pocket money together in a box to be readily accessible when one needs it.

8. Set up a specific place for kids to put their papers and school needed materials. Things that require parents input immediately like report cards to be signed should be demarcated a special corner for easy identification.

9. Make use of colors to identify the ownership of books and stationeries etc

10. Paste some post-it notes around to remind junior things that he might forget to bring.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Instinct [vs] Str8 Rippin - Game 6

HQ - Previous - Next - MLG Toronto Playlist - ::CTF on Narrows:: 1. Str8 Rippin - Tsquared, Snip3down, Elamite, Legit 2. Instinct - Roy, Lunchbox, Walshy, Soviet Commentated by Puckett, Nexy and Faruq. Game 2/4 of the MLG Toronto Championships Finals. Brought to you by the 4th stop of the 2008 MLG Pro Circuit, Toronto.

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Where To Buy Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar

Over All Rating Reviews :
I needed something to keep my lunch contain and this works great. I haven't used the soup bowl yet. I find that you can put extra things in the space when you do not use the soup bowl. The large bowl goes straight the bottom and the medium stays at the top so in between those two I was able to put crackers or grapes in that space.
Get more detail about Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar.

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Can pisua galtzen duzu dieta on?

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Al duzu inoiz oharra bezain laster stop duzu gaur egungo moda dieta diren pisua datorren eskubidea atzera eta agian beste batzuk kilo duzun bezala. Let balantze bat egin zidan orain dela zenbait pertsonek nirekin gelditu egingo da; No Diet lanak!

Asko dira moda dietak: pomelo dieta, dieta Hollywood, Beverly Hills Diet, Apple sagardo ozpina Diet, HCG Diet, aza-zopa jaten, Behe Carb dietak, eta noski, eta Acai Berry diete. Inoiz saiatu dietak hauetakoren? Hemen zaude artikulu honetan, gero irakurketaSeguru asko saiatu bat edo bi. ahalegina egin dut hainbat. ez naiz horietako malko behera banaka egingo. Baina uste duzula ozpina duzula sip litzateke bazkaria inoiz aurretik? Besterik ez du arraultz horiek zapore hobea.

Dieta horiek guztiek bat komunean gauza, behin joan horiek desaktibatu egin ahal duzu pisua bueltatzen. Hori dela eta, "esan nuen No Diet Lanak!" Dieta hori, aldi baterako connotes. Batzuek dietak joan itxura ona dute at reunion class, urteko salmentak saritzeko bidaia amaiera, bat sartzekotxikiagoa Ezkonberrien bata, edo agian osasuntsuago begirada bat lan berria elkarrizketatzea bitartean. Pertsonak diren kakahueteak alergia edo olioa ez da kakahuete dieta ez joateko. Zer da aldatu dute beren bizitza estilo huskeria saihesteko. Denean egiaztatu dute ez dagoela huskeria produktuak ez erabiltzen kanpo jaten da. Honek esan nahi bizitza edo heriotza horiek. Batzuek shock anaphylactic sartu.

Beraz, dieta ez balitz uzten gure elikadura-ohiturak aldatzen ari dira. Ez kezkatu, hori ez da egongo eta hotza egingo Turkia,sort of hitz egiteko. Hau da, urrun prozesu bat izango. Uzten line urrats batzuk jarraitu ahal izango duzu eman:

Pauso # 1. Irteeran bakoitzak gosari osasungarriak egun bat elikadura. Honek egunean bazkari garrantzitsuena da. hitza "gosaria" eta Break down Begiratu. Zer dio benetan da "Break Fast" eta horregatik da hain garrantzitsua da. gure gorputza barau gara hausteko gauean zehar. da erregaia eman eta jaurtiketa hasiko dugu metabolismoa, lanean hasi behar dugu. Hau da gure week 1 izango daproiektua. Just do gauza bat astean gure bizitza estiloa aldatu eta denbora bukatzen proiektu honen lehen zatiak dira jada ohitura dugun arabera.

(Ez kezkatu nondik norakoak aurkituko dituzu osasuntsua Nutrizio elikadura checking out Fat Burning labea atalean elikadura Rob Poulus by aurrera.)

Pauso # 2. Bet aste honetan dugu uste duzu bazkaldu eta gero, baina oker zaude. Your brain eta urdaileko dugu lan pintxoak zure duten eremuak bete craving from. Anatural-olo eta garagar-eratorritako beta-glucan eta insulina zuntz konbinazio zure sabeleko en olatuak, plenitud sentsazio fisiko borroka gosea duten craving bat sortzeko laguntzen du. Era berean, ziurtatu zure merienda oharrak cholecystokinin duten (CCK) - hormona bat your brain kontatzen itzali gosea cravings. (Kutxa egilea check - baduzu zuzenean behar hori laguntza bat, bidali mezu bat) honek zereginaren da aste 2.

Pauso # 3. Orain arte, 1 eta dugu gosari osasungarriak aukeratu 2 aste elikadurapintxoak osasuntsu astean. Orain ematen afaria begira. Hautatu ekoizkinak elikagaiak jateko. Elikagai guztiak edo egosita out prozesatzeko eta scarier gauza batean elikagai batzuk gehitu ahal izan kimiko da. Hemen berriro Rob's ideia liburua ikusi ahal izango dituzu, eta oreka interesgarria otorduak.

Pauso # 4. azken bazkaria, hau aldatu daiteke gogorrena. Gutako askok bazkaltzeko lan lortzen ditugu lanpostu non 30 minutu ordu 1. leku batzuk ekarri duzuzure bazkari eta beste joan ahal izango duzu. ekarri gero izoztuak bazkariak irakurri etiketa ona eta erabakiak hartzeko. lunch dutenentzat duzu, nor irteten, ez joan leku Fast Food.

Jarraitu lau urrats horiek eta zure bizitza estiloa aldatu zara, nutrizioaren bizimodu osasuntsua, ekoizkinak elikagaiak jateko bat. Zorte on eta osasungarriak jan.

F Jude

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

MLG Orlando 2010 • Triggers Down vs. Instinct • Game 2

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Orlando Event::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Game 2 Gametype: Team Slayer Map: Construct Teams: Triggers Down- Hysteria Neighbor Pistola SK Instinct- Cloud Elamite Lunchbox Roy ______________________________ Game 1: Game 3:

Related : !: Order Plasma HDTV +99% Buying Plasma HDTV !1# How Much Kids Toys

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Save Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar

Over All Rating Reviews :
I've been using my Mr. Bento four times a week since I purchased it about five months ago and it's been a great investment. Not only have I saved money because of the meals I've able to prepare frugally and deliciously at home, but have found it great for portion control. Also - and one of the main reasons I purchased it - the thermal capacity of the outside shell enables me to *not* need to refrigerate it when I go into the office in the morning. Mr. Bento sits on my desk for five hours and keeps the food I carry in it fresh and ready for consumption.

Staining has been an issue for some users, but I've found lining the bowls I use for soup/hot foods with a touch of either vegetable or olive oil prevents this well enough.

Leakage has been another issue, but I've never filled any of the containers to capacity and carry Mr. Bento upright when transporting it to work. It has not been an issue for me because I've carried it in this fashion. All in all, I highly recommend this lunch jar.
Get more detail about Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Collective CCO Haul - Ask & You Shall Receive ;)

Stay tuned for more giveaways! There will be a winners video either at the end of this month or the beginning of next month. The winners video will also include a contest:) BLOG: TWITTER CHICTOPIA: GIVEAWAY INFO: 1. MUST BE A SUBSCRIBER 2. IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE GET PARENTAL PERMISSION 3. CONTEST OPEN WORLDWIDE 4. CONTEST ENDS ONE WEEK FROM THE DATE OF THIS VIDEO ON MAY 22, 2010 AT 12am EST. ITEMS MENTIONED (ALL MAC) Face & Body Foundation in C3 Highlighter Powder in Honey Light Loose Beauty Powder in Natural Flare Eversun Beauty Powder Blush On a Mission Beauty Powder Blush Hand Finish Mineralize Blush Earth to Earth Mineralize Blush Joie de Vivre Blushcreme Pleasureful Blushcreme Just a Pinch Gel Blush Mi'Lady Mineralize Shadow Blue Sorcery Mineral Shadow Look in a Box - Seductress: Knight Divine Eyeshadow Naked Lunch Eyeshadow Slimshine Lipstick in Bare Zoomlash Mascara Iridescent Pressed Powder in Belightful 181SE Brush Fun in the Sun Mineralize Kit: 181SE Brush Love Connection Eyeshadow Dainty Mineralize Blush Light Flush MSF Valentine's Lip Gelee Lil Sizzler Lip Gelee Summer Crop Lipglass Semi Annual Lustre Lipstick Garden Bed Lustre Lipstick Cool Tones Mini Pigment Set: Kitschmas Fuschia Grape Deep Blue Green Transparent Reflects Teal Full Size Pigments: Milk Teal Rose Golden Olive Cornflower Blue Brown Violet Pink Bronze Tan Golden Lemon FACE:Revlon Photoready, CARGO Pressed Powder, Stila ...

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Thursday, June 3, 2010


Doom metal... *** I do NOT own any rights over this music or the pictures and this video isn't for comercial purpose. All the rights belongs to the band *** THE BAND HAS NO SITE OR MYSPACE PAGE Band name: Celestial Season Genre: doom, death metal, then turned to stoner metal Country: Netherlands (Nijmegen, Gelderland) Formed in: 1991 Albums: 5 full length + 4 demo + 2 single + 2 EP + 1 split album: Promises (demo, 1992) Flowerskin (single, 1993) Forever Scarlet Passion (full length, 1993) Fire in the Winter / Above Azure Oceans (split, 1994) Promo 1994 (demo, 1994) Solar Lovers (full length, 1995) Sonic Orb (EP, 1995) 3 Track Demon (demo, 1996) Black Queen is Dynamite (single, 1997) Orange (full length, 1997) Demo \'99 (demo, 1999) Chrome (full length, 1999) Lunchbox Dialogues (full length, 2000) Songs from the Second Floor (EP, 2001) Last label: Drunken Maria Status: Inactive

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Shop For Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar

Over All Rating Reviews :
I ordered this lunch box for my intensive summer workshop. I heated up Chinese food every morning in these bowls around 7am, and by noon, the food was still hot. This lunch box basically meets my need.

But you really need to know how this thing works before you order it. As many other reviewers pointed out, only the bottom two bowls can keep hot or cold, and the top two only remain room temperature. In fact, the top ones will remain the temperature of whatever you have in the bottom two bowls. I had heated Chinese food in the bottom bowls one day and some salad in the top ones. By lunch time, the cold salad was totally heated up and tasted horrible.

The bowls are easily cleaned, but as all other plastic containers, they keep a bit of the food smell even after you completely clean them. It makes me feel that this thing can't really last very long before I totally feel uncomfortable with it.

The size is good for me, since I don't eat a lot. But it feels way too small for a big guy or teenager boy. Also it only fits Asian food or pasta-type of food. There is no chance you can stuff a sandwich, let's say half of the regular Subway size, in even the biggest bowl.

I really wish the bowls could be glass or something not catching the food smell. This is my biggest problem with the product.

Get more detail about Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar.

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