Friday, May 28, 2010

Purchase Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar

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Received this as a gift from my spouse one year ago. A great idea, but not practical in any way. I am a doctor and currently use a plastic shopping bag to carry my sandwich or small tupperware to work. Not very glamorous, and hence the gift.

The Lunch Jar is well constructed, but there are so many parts, and it's so heavy, that I have never even once used the thing. I don't have the time and creativity to pack a 4-course meal, room to store the non-compressible tin, a place to eat a multi-course meal, and the energy to wash the containers at the end of the day. I understand the appeal, and there is certainly a cult following, but it's really not useful for everyday use if you don't have much time or space for lunch. Sadly, I'm still using the recycled shopping bags a year later. Mr. Bento is still occupying space in the back of a cabinet.
Get more detail about Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cheap Thomas And Friends Dinnerware - Side Kick Lunch Box Set

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I love this lunchbox! I was having trouble keeping the vinyl ones clean and they smelled so bad! This lunchbox is easy to clean, easy to open and fits everything my 5 year old needs in it. He has taken it to pre-school every day for for the past 6 months and it is still working perfectly. One of the moms of a classmate even copied the idea and bought one for her son. I usually have to replace lunchboxes every month or two, but this one has outlasted! Good buy!
Get more detail about Thomas And Friends Dinnerware - Side Kick Lunch Box Set.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Buy To-Go Ware 3 Tier Stainless Steel Food Carrier

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I was on the lookout for a good way to transport my lunch to work each day. I was using plastic containers, but realized I didn't want to use plastic due to risks. I also wasn't warming up any food in the containers because they were plastic. So I was on the search for a lunch carrying item and I came across this set. I have been using a stainless steel water bottle for a while and and this product has offered the same benefits -- easy to keep clean, simple, sturdy, doesn't stain or smell and was food safe. The experience of putting together small lunches is fun as well as the containers are nice to look at. I've use this container nearly every single day since I received it for work lunches and picnics.

I usually fill one layer with fruit, another with a salad and the last with my "main dish" for a day of food and snacks. Depending on how densely you fill it, it can be more than enough food for a day. You can carry the top layer by itself as well. The sidekick is nice for carrying along some nuts, applesauce, peanut butter and other small snacks. Theoretically you could use this over a fire to warm food, but I haven't had the need to just yet.

Despite giving this 5 stars, there are still some limitations with the 3-tier to-go ware.
-They can't be microwaved. I work around this by moving my food to a ceramic mug at work and warming it if necessary.
-I'm not a big fan of using plastic ware or silverware when eating off of metal, but the bamboo ware by To-Go Ware is a great way to work around this.
-The latches were rather inconsistent. On one of the first units ordered the latches were super tight and difficult to open. On the other they were much more loose. On a newer unit the latches seem to be greatly improved and better designed.
-The sidekick container with lid only fits on the top level. It will fit in the other layers without the lid. Plan your meals accordingly.
-The layers aren't completely leak-proof, but it's not too big of an issue if you keep it standing up.
-The containers are not insulated. You can buy bags or easily make you own insulating bag if this is needed.
Get more detail about To-Go Ware 3 Tier Stainless Steel Food Carrier.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Osasuntsu School Nic sortzea haurren

Image :

gaiak mamás bat bezala aurre bidali dute haurren itzuli da Eskolako bazkariak prestatzen. Ez bakarrik janaria prestatzen dagokionez haurrek egun bakoitzeko zituzten, baina prestatzen osasuntsu eta nutritiboa bazkariak! Honetan erronka nahiko bereziki gazteak picky daiteke. nahi gara gure haurrekin ondo jaten ikasteko eta beraz daitezke, baina nola bazkari bat hori osasuntsua dela gure haurren da benetan jan sortzen dugu?

Hona hemen zenbait aholku eta ideia besterik ez da egiten for:

Think kanpo> Lunch-laukia. Ez bakarrik sortu arrunta zaharra aspergarria plaza sandwich egunero. Saiatu bat letxuga biltzeko, tortilla roll-a eman, pita bat, edo cookie muntatzaile osotasunean ale gofreak (egindako sandwich bat erabili izoztu organikoak dira batzuk), ogia egiteko. Saiatu ogi mota ezberdinak bakarra ogitartekoak ez bakarrik osasuntsu baina dibertigarria eta zirraragarria izango da zure seme-jan sortzeko. Aurkeztu behar da seme-alabekin handia. elikagai bila interesgarria jan maite dute.

kutxa kanpo besteIdeia txiki bat da plastikozko ontziak edo Bento kutxak erabili fun bat sortzea da, ikusmen bazkaria erakargarria. Saiatu veggies eta ogi dips jogurt saltsa edo makilekin. Zer haragi-xerra bat eta crackers ezberdin batzuk gaztak? Zure bazkari askoz ere osasungarria pre-ontziratuak dira dezakezu janari dendetan erosi baino gehiago sor ditzakezu. Hainbat dira web irakasten dituzten Bento - atera arte japoniarra - duten fun-en ideia kid lunches.Try horiek nabigazio egitekoinspiration.

Be big on variety. Offer your child lots of options. This will help them to find something that they like. Include fruit, bread, a veggie, a protein source, and a drink. Try to alternate them as well instead of sending an apple daily, sending an apple one day, an orange the next, grapes the next and then swap it up. For their drinks, try a smoothie. These are easy to make and fun to experiment with.

Get the kids involved. Kids are creative and savvy moms know they gehiago izaten dira zerbait berez dute Honako hau jateko. ere aurkitu ahal izango dute modu dibertigarrian elementuak instalazioarekin erakargarria izan daitezen. Let cookie Cortadores erabiltzen dituzten jolas ogitartekoak edo mozketak gazta sortzeko. Have fun batera cookbooks eta web bazkariak etorkizuneko ideia berriak sortzeko nabigatzeko. Let Egun hurrengo koadroaren bazkaria prestatzen dute Sukaldea laguntza horietako batzuk zuk du lan.

Erabili hondarrak. Nork dio lunch du sandwich hotz bat izaneta sagar bat? afari bada zure seme-alabak maite azken gaueko eta lunch-en duzu hondarrak haur bidali zure. Gutxienez, jan egingo dioten jakiteko aukera eman. duzu aurrezten da lan batzuk ere.

Horiek gutxi batzuk modu osasuntsu bazkariak zure seme-alabak hartuko jan egin dira. ere sentitzen duzu batzuetan direla elikadura lortu behar dute eskolan egoteko ardatz.

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Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar Decide Now

Over All Rating Reviews :
I have a picky eater at home. My son begged me to start packing his lunch for the 07 -08 school year. I purchased this item and I have to say it has been wonderful! My son is eating healthy and I am saving money. (school lunches here are $2.50 a day)I cook enough dinner to have some left over I pack his lunch at night and heat it in the morning. I found out after a couple of months that my son's lunches was the topic of discussion amoung the PE teachers. This is a great buy.
Get more detail about Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar.

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Purchase Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar

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I've never enjoyed myself so thoroughly when making my lunch before! Great way to use left-overs or innovate with what's around the kitchen. The four containers provide variety and portion control at the same time. Plus, food seems to keep its temperature throughout the day without the need to reheat or refrigerate.
Get more detail about Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar.

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Natural Life Children's or Baby Reusable Melamine Divider Feeding Plate-LOVE

±1±: Now is the time Natural Life Children's or Baby Reusable Melamine Divider Feeding Plate-LOVE Order Today!

Nice Design by :
Natural Life
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Great Deal :

Date Created :
May 21, 2010 09:51:31
Natural LifeDivided Baby Feeding PlateThis adorable baby plate is decorated with bright colors and says "Love" and "Love, love, love . . . Love is all you need". It has four individual slots for different food and they are all different sizes.This item is approximately 12" long x 9" wide x 1" tall.Item # BPLT015

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar Free Shipping

Over All Rating Reviews :
i recently purchased this item for $50 the price is a little steep, but it definately is quality stuff. it does what it says. it will keep food for hours and cold stuff longer. i found that if i wanted to keep frozen microwavable foods in the container and put the container in the fridge, it will be cold for at least 6hrs!

the portion size is just right. i would prefer to have more, but this will keep me intact not to eat more. for those people that might need alot of food, this is not for you. no heavy meals here. the only thing that i did not like, was that the soup container was a bit small. i end up just putting other foods there that might spill.

the other containers were spill proof also, but they dont mention it. it is as tight as a tupperware container. ive enjoyed this product and would recomend this to brown baggers. they dont mention the chopstick that are included...nice bonus.
Get more detail about Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar Immediately

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I live in Japan as I am currently stationed here in the military. I bought 3 of these. I love them, especially the portion control factor.
Hate to tell you guys this, but the Zojirushi Mr. Bento is only 2450 Yen, or $22.00 US dollars. I can't believe they are being sold in the States for double and triple the price! Still, it's worth every penny and a good conversation starter.
Get more detail about Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Video Games Eskubia Movies

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inoiz ikusten baduzu izena "Alan Smithee" movie bat Kredituetan, benetako zuzendariak esan nahi du pentsamendua filma hain txarra izan zen, ez zuten nahi bere izenean bertan.

Gamers jakin bideo-joko asko diren off filmak, esaterako, Fantastic 4, Riddick, Batman, Superman kronikak - zerrendan, eta jarraitu ahal bezala oinarrituta. Baina, zer filmak buruzko off Bideojokoen oinarritzen? Nola egin zuten? Jarraian, film bihurtu da azken hamar urteetan jolasen zerrenda bat da, eta nola egin zuten iragartzen du,joko-to-movie future.The proiektuak hauen lehen Super Mario Brothers zen. Atzera egin 1993an, joko horretan Dennis Hopper plays King Koopa, bilakaera dinosauro baten interpretazio ahula da. Ez zen ez Lur line bat eta film asko egiten zen, filmak oinazealdi luze 140 minutuko iraupena. ikusleek sentitu modu berean ere leihatilan ere bonbardatu movie bezala. Baina hau ez da hemen bukatzen Hollywood askoz gehiago, hala nola game-to-movie bideoa adaptaciones: Final Fantasy alkoholak ekoizten tik, Barruan, Mortal Kombat series, eta Tomb Raider saio eta azken Doom da. 1995 urtean, Mortal Kombat serie zen hurrengo pantaila handira aldendu. Oinarritutako askoz fan oinarritutako joko zuen oraindik benetako Lur ez eta moda zahar kung fu film handi bat, ondoren aurrekontu movie bezala zirudien.

Hurrengoa izan zen 2001 Tomb Raider, basado en jokoan atzera 1996. filma jokoa, biltzeko eta aztertzeko, altxorra, munstro, eta, batez ere, Lara Croft interpretazio oso ona izan zen,Agelina Jolie jokatuko dute. Jolie Lara Croft begiratu zatia baita edozein giza liteke, beraz, izugarria dela filma ez da ondo zuenez a watchable pertsonaia eta istorio on line. Horregatik alderdi horiek, eta Tomb Raider filma ezarri etorkizuneko bideo joko-to-filmak joera berri bat.

Final Fantasy barruan, alkoholak 2001ean egin zuen, ez zen, baina jokoak jokoak atzean filosofia oinarri, hots, unibertso paralelo eta likoreak existentzia. Hala ere arrazoi dumovie galdu $ 120 milioi dolar ez zen lurzatiaren baina GC animazioa. Egia da, pertsonaia eta kartografia testura itzalak zen iraultzaile bere zinemaren aldiz, baina baita CG erabilera bultzatu omenaldia egin pertsonaien begiak eta aurpegiak, horrek gaizki jokatzen eta in a flop equated huts egin du leihatilan.

Resident Evil, 2002an, saiatu beste ikuspegi bat egokitu diren hainbat subplots ikuslearen arreta harrapatu nahi izan saiatu zen.Ba al du? N º Arazoa zen hemen Resident Evil ekintzaren movie bat gehiago bihurtu ondoren, beldurrezko a / Jokoak bezala thriller bertan. filma bera ez zen benetan beldurgarria duten, zonbiak besterik ez zuen, mutantes txakur eta Licker da (bakarra Filmeko benetako munstro) Bulego hain da kutxa jakina esan egin zuen film hau nola.

Ondoren, Doom zen. Ez pertsona 1 shooters 1ean, baina baddest izan da. The Doom sorta izan da egoera behin eta berriro. Gune bat itsas zaudemars on misioa bat itxi Hell's portal batera arma arsenal du txupinazoa jaurtigailu eta Chainsaw bezala jendetsu batekin. bideo-joko bat pentsatu zuten bat sortzea izan da ekoizle materiala script duina, baina ekoizleak asmatu I kanpo bazkaldu behar izan duelako movie ez zen Erreferentzia Hell da. Ordez joan DNA oker Mars buruzko esperimentuak zen. Ordez deabru, hilketaren, marine hil zombis. ehunka by zibil hil ziren, eta berrizbideo-joko bakarra monsters hil ziren. flop bat aukeratu eta itxaron ikusi dugu.

Silent Hill, gako eszena bat denean heroina da esan mapa bat buruz ikasi eta norabideak dira, besterik gabe, ezker, eskuin, ezker, eskuin naturan egin nabigazioara movie barruan labirinto baten bidez. Zer egin da bideo-joko popular hain zen jokalariak bere gaitasuna edo bere aukerak egiteko joko barruan, berriz, en la película bat bakarrik aukera denean joko Erlantz eta txikitu.

The Tomb Raider filmetanidazle honen aukera bulegoa ziren bakarrik film benetan entregatu eta duin jarduteko Lur line eta, beraz, ez kutxa ondo. esan nahi du horrek guztiak bideo-joko-to-pelikulak dira izugarria izango al du? N. Izan ere, albiste du Peter Jackson dela Halo serieak movie bat egiten duten arabera, ikus vive eman badu bere promesa dugu aldatzeko plangintza.

Artikulu gehiago gustatzen honetan please joan

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Buy Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar

Over All Rating Reviews :
I've used my Mr. Bento a few times and I really like it. I pack leftovers in the containers and put them in the fridge the night before, then nuke 'em in the morning and put them in the lunch jar. By lunchtime the contents are still warm (not piping hot, but definitely warm enough to eat). I have also packed cold and hot items in the same jar (which you're not supposed to do). I just take out the cold items when I get to work, they do not seem to pick up the heat from the other containers.

My favorite part of the Mr. Bento (besides the name Mr. Bento) is its upright design. I have a long flat bento, and it's impossible to carry it flat and it leaks. Mr. Bento doesn't have that problem. The soup jar does not leak. The carrying case is a huge plus too.
Get more detail about Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Little Pony Tin Lunch Box Assorted

±1±: Now is the time My Little Pony Tin Lunch Box Assorted Order Today!

Nice Design by :
Tin Box Company
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Date Created :
May 11, 2010 15:21:12
My Little Pony Tin Lunch Box Carry-All Keepsake Box. Measures approx. 7 3/4" X 6" X 3". Style will vary. Item will ship as one randomly selected tin box. If you would like a specific one, please e-mail us for availability!

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Price Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar

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When i got this to pack a lunch for my husband he was all worried that he wouldnt get enough to eat, I use the soup bowl as the meat, or pasta section basically thats the fatty food bowl and it actually fits more in there than I thought it would, the biggest bowl is the salad bowl the next one is the veggie bowl and the last is dessert bowl, he usually gets fruit in that one. I got this so that we could have more control on portion control because we are trying to eat healthier and it really does the job. I was failing miserably at packing a healthy meal he would be willing to eat before we got this, he likes this because he gets more variety now. He tells me that he now looks forward to lunch to see what surprises i packed for him and the weight is beginning to come off of him too so we are happy.
Get more detail about Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar.

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Mario Batali Trofie Insulated Lunch Satchel, Aqua Brush Plaid

±1±: Now is the time Mario Batali Trofie Insulated Lunch Satchel, Aqua Brush Plaid Order Today!

Nice Design by :
Mario Batali
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Date Created :
May 07, 2010 08:16:42
The Mario Batali Trofie Satchel is a fashionable and functional approach to lunch on-the-go. Be good to your body by preparing and bringing well-balanced meals with you. Bring lunch in a reusable lunch bag and, by reducing paper and plastic waste, you'll be treating the environment well … as well. Made of durable, cotton canvas with a brush plaid design. Interior has an insulated lining that will keep your food and drinks warm or cold. Satchel also features two external pockets that are perfect for holding water bottles. Top has a zipper closure, to keep everything secure. Lining is easy to clean; simply use a hot, soapy cloth to wipe the lining. Satchel measures 10 by 5-1/2 by 9-inches. The Mario Batali lunch totes are inspired by Mario Batali's love of food, wine and the inherent joys of life. Few people know food as well as Mario Batali and no-one has his distinctive charisma and talent … a flair that took New York City by storm. He has won numerous awards - including GQ Magazine's Man of the Year award, in the chef category. He's the author of numerous cookbooks. Mario is also kind and generous. He believes that every child should be well fed and well read. In partnership with The Lunch Box Auction Fund, Mario gives to feed children-in-need and gives them the opportunity to learn … and live their dreams. A portion of the proceeds of the sale of these bags go to support The Lunchbox Auction Fund. By purchasing a Mario Batali insulated lunch bag you are not only feeding a child – you are joining the fight against poverty and hunger in the US and abroad.

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar Best Quality

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This is a great product that has made itself indispensable to me! Four compartments of varying sizes allow you to customize your meal. I use this along with the Weight Watchers flex points and find this ideal - I can pack a healthy lunch along with snacks that rarely exceeds 8 points (you have to be conscientious - a big mac will likely also fit in the largest compartment - so make good choices!).

Easy to clean, top rack diswasher safe, non-staining, temperature regulating and most importantly - spill resistant!

I highly reccomend this!!!

Example lunch: large compartment: 3 oz steamed cod with capers, vacuum sealed compartment: green salad with balsamic vinegar, medium lidded compartment: 1 oz pretzel crisps, small lidded compartment: 5 water crackers. Slip a reduced fat mozzarella string cheese into the side pocket and you have an excellent balanced (for me) meal and snacks that will power you through the day. I cannot guarantee your success, however using this has assisted me (in addition to training 6 days a week) in losing over 20 lbs since purchase.

Great for those who need assistance with portion control - or, like me - just want to make life easy :)

Get more detail about Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar Review

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This rugged and well made unit is a classy way to brown bag it. The containers allow for a variety of foods and the thermos keeps everything reasonably warm. I would prefer that the soup container was larger, but that's a personal preference.
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Sunday, May 2, 2010

UK University of Kentucky Wildcats Logo Insulated Lunch Box Cooler Bag - NO Lead Lead-Free Lunchbox

±1±: Now is the time UK University of Kentucky Wildcats Logo Insulated Lunch Box Cooler Bag - NO Lead Lead-Free Lunchbox Order Today!

Nice Design by :
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Date Created :
May 02, 2010 18:00:26
The Broad Bay lunch box is functional, versatile, and constructed like a fine piece of luggage. With so many fabric choices, youll want to pack your lunch every day. Adjustable, removable strap allows you to carry your lunch bag horizontally or vertically, over your shoulder, or slipped through your hand. Interior mesh pocket has thermo-reflective liner. Outer zip pocket for utensils or for keys and a wallet. Dual zip closure. Two elastic mesh straps hold your sandwich close to your cold pack or hold your bottles secure. Durable and machine washable. 10.25 x 7.75 x 4.25

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lowest Price Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar

Over All Rating Reviews : has this for a good price - there are similar but smaller sets on the market for much more money. You'll more than make up the cost on meals out several times a week by packing your own and everyone knows leftovers taste better the next day! If you are like me and don't like the idea of microwaving your food every day, this keeps food warm until lunch or dinner if preheated before packing. According to instructions, let food cool a bit before capping, and the bowls are microwavable if you prefer to heat up food later. The drawstring bag with zippered side for easy access, adjustable shoulder strap and handle is a great addition along with a stainless steel "spork." I was more than impressed with this. Zojirushi makes and is known for their high quality products and you'll use this set for a very long time.
Get more detail about Zojirushi Mr. Bento Stainless Steel Lunch Jar.

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Primus C and H Lunch Jug, 11-Ounce

±1±: Now is the time Primus C and H Lunch Jug, 11-Ounce Order Today!

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Date Created :
May 01, 2010 04:00:48
Light, compact and portable double-walled vacuum jug in powder coated stainless steel with a leak-proof lid. Wide mouth which makes it easy to fill, serve from and clean. The excellent insulation makes it perfect for food, drink or soup.

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